Cita Energy Services is a division of Cita Logistics LLC.
Located in the heart of the port of Virginia, USA.
Cita Logistics LLC offers fully integrated solutions for your export needs.

Our area of expertise covers the dry bulk industry where we provide the following.

  • Logistics services
  • Cargo monitoring
  • Freight forwarding
  • Quality testing
  • Marine services
  • Vessel Agency services

Cita Logistics is involved in the logistics coordination of 20 million tons of product every year, from the US East Coast and Gulf ports, South America, Canada, and Australia.

By covering the entire process from the point of production to the point of destination of the goods we make our primary objective to facilitate the daily operations of our customers.

With fifty years of experience, we pride ourselves on providing valuable and competitive services. Our relationship with our customers is always built on trust and integrity, with a strong emphasis on confidentiality and availability.

Our goal is to provide a seamless & competitive global offer.